How often do you stress and how do you eliminate it?


Today we are going to share with you some ways to best manage your stress, so you can have a more relaxed and happier life. Would you like that?

Do you stress? We do

How often? Less and less for us, thanks to the following tips!

Sometimes, challenging objectives, delicate situations, hectic routines, all stretch us beyond the limits of our psycho-physical balance, causing us stress.

Here are 6 proven and easy steps to greatly manage and reduce your stress, to live a happier and more balanced life, every day.

1 Understand your stress

How do you stress? It can be different for everybody. By understanding what stress looks like for you, you can be better prepared, and reach for your stress management toolbox when needed.

2. Identify your stress sources

What causes you to be stressed? Be it work, family, change or any of the other potential thousand triggers.

3. Learn to recognize stress signals

We all process stress differently so it’s important to be aware of your individual stress symptoms. What are your internal alarm bells? Low tolerance, headaches, stomach pains or a combination from the above‘Symptoms of stress’

4. Recognize your stress strategies

What is your go-to tactic for calming down? These can be behaviors learned over years and sometimes aren’t the healthy option. For example, some people cope with stress by self-medicating with alcohol or overeating.

5. Implement healthy stress management strategies

It’s good to be mindful of any current unhealthy coping behaviors so you can switch them out for a healthy option. For example, if overeating is your current go to, you could practice meditation instead, or make a decision to phone a friend to chat through your situation. The American Psychological Association suggest that switching out one behavior at a time is most effective in creating positive change.

6. Make self-care a priority

When we make time for ourselves, we put our well-being before others. This can feel selfish to start, but it is like the airplane analogy—we must put our own oxygen mask on before we can assist others. The simplest things that promote well-being, such as enough sleep, food, downtime, and exercise are often the ones overlooked.

And you?

How do you manage stress?