How to Build a Business Empire


This week, besides the usual International Power Team Coaching, we are planning birthday celebrations, a camping trip with star gazing, campfire, smores & hikes, and the November Elite International MasterMind.

Here’s your weekly heart centered question:

If you guaranteed to succeed, what kind of “Empire” would you create? 

To spark your creativity, power and inspiration, here’s a checklist test/quiz.

You are ready To Build an Empire, as soon as you:

#1 Have a Big & Clear Vision 

Successful people know exactly what they want and do visualize themselves doing it. They know “what” they need to do to achieve their vision and they go ahead to establish “how” to do it, through targeted networking. They are open to new ideas and people. They use the natural curiosity, that everyone has, when interacting with people, and, by doing so, learn about what people want.

#2 Are Brave

Everyone has courage and needs to use it; that is the key strength you need when going against the odds. A strong will and vision is what catalyzes you to just take action and focus less on the negative outcomes. That is what sets aside the hopeful person vs successful person. Just take action.

#3 Stick To Your Beliefs

Successful people strongly believe in their capabilities to succeed in their venture; that is what drives them to success along with their vision. While ‘ordinary’ business startups dread and shy off from business hurdles, successful entrepreneurs think outside the box and use these challenges as a learning and correction tool to better their chances of success.

#4 Self-Start

The most famous entrepreneurs and executives understand that if something needs to be done, they should start it by themselves. They come out as highly proactive individuals and don’t sit around waiting for opportunities to come knocking.

#5 Believe in your Capabilities

Be always confident with the knowledge that you can make your venture succeed. Your confidence will push you to take even bigger risks that come with bigger rewards.

#6 Thrive In Competition

Many companies and businesses are formed because an entrepreneur believes that they can do better than another. They need to win in the niches they choose and therefore need to win in the businesses and ventures that they create.

True entrepreneurs take competition positively and formulate strategies on how to come up with better products or services that draw interest in the market.

#7 Are Open Minded

Successful entrepreneurs understand that every situation and event is a business opportunity. Ideas are constantly generated about efficiency and workflows, potential new business and people skills.

They have a receptive mind to new ideas and the ability to focus on the business side of everything around them.

#8 Have Creativity

Creativity is the key ingredient to make the difference between your competitors.

#9 Are Passionate

Passion is very vital for the success of any entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs genuinely love what they do. They are willing to invest in those extra hours to ensure that their business succeeds because they derive joy and satisfaction that goes beyond the money.

Successful entrepreneurs always read and research within their field on ways and techniques to create an outstanding and long-lasting business.

#10 Are Disciplined

These individuals are solemnly focused on making their business a success and they are keen to eliminate any distractions or hindrances to their goals. They have clearly stated strategies and outlined tactics on how to accomplish their goals.

Discipline takes them as far as strictly following their business schedules and activities, observing there spending and investing habits to adhering to their personal and general business principles and ethics.