Tyler Garrison, Santa Rosa, CA, US – April 2007
“Elena, you know I am disabled with three herniated discs, not working, taking care of the kids, and doing every coaching program event I can get my family and myself to, in the next year, including travel etc. You were so excited to help me with my need to get going right away. I know that with the work we are doing now, I am on my way to awesome change. I just can’t help but feel that this program is made for me. So I am committed to our work. The program is great. I appreciate the coaching program and its willingness to do what ever it takes to support the success of the students. The coaching program has changed my life. I have come from a place of deep despair and, in just the first month, I have started 2 business, my health is improving and slated to break thru to a level even greater than I could have even hoped. I know that my contribution to this program is key to my success. And deeply appreciate all that you and everyone has done. Yesterday I was so very exciting to hear that we will be using a proven program that will laser focus the specific work to be done in the area of business and wealth. The idea of weekly assignments, 4 calls a week and a workbook as thick as a phone book is right up my alley. I have told all of my friends and they also are excited to hear from me about all the great things this program has to offer. I talked to many people last night at the gym and they were very interested in coming to the evening event and it sounds like this program would fit their needs specifically also. I look forward to seeing you. Again, Thank you, Thank You, Thank you for your support and high level coaching. Gratefully,”